建立 alexa web service 需要以下幾個步驟∶
- 建立web server (Restful Web API)
- 建立憑證 (可用私有憑證)
- alexa configuration
- service simulator
建立web server (Restful Web API)
- alexa-app:
- 已對 alexa voice service 寫好對應的方法及模組,可快速進行開發
- A Node module to simplify the development of Alexa skills (applications.)
- https://github.com/alexa-js/alexa-app
- alexa-app-server:
- 基於上述 alexa-app module 提供 web server 服務,方便開發人員串接 alexa vocie service
- An Alexa App (Skill) Server module using Node.js and the alexa-app module.
- The alexa-app-server module offers a stand-alone web server to host Alexa Apps (Skills).
- Think of it as a simple "container" that allows you to easily publish multiple Alexa Apps with one server.
- This module does not help you write the Alexa Apps (Skills) themselves, as apps are independent modules, written using the alexa-app framework. URL:
- https://alexasaturn.tk/alexa/color_picker
建立憑證 (可用私有憑證)
- Create self-signed certificate語法如下∶
- 此處要注意一點,必須申請 DNS 並寫入憑證內,才可正常串接服務
alexa configuration
- Configuration 勾選 Https
- Default 輸入 URL
- Self-signed SSL Certificate
- 勾選 I will upload a self-signed certificate in X.509 format
- 再將憑證內容貼上
service simulator
- 可用 Test 下的 service simulator 進行測試